30 DAY WRITING CHALLENGE · Personal · Story of my life

Day 2: Write something….

Write something someone told you about yourself that you never forgot…

“You’re one of a kind. You’re the most genuine, crazy, friendly and humble person I knew. You’re all in one. You have that contagious laugh, making the silliest joke the funniest one. I’m not wondering you got tons of friends!”

I’ve been thinking all day and night what to write, and I remembered this one birthday greeting from one my friends that hit me right into the bones. This is actually one of the most memorable and sweetest message I got on my birthday. Sometimes I’m thankful that birthdays are created because you get the chance to receive those sweet messages (aside from gifts tho hahaha)  from your precious gems!

As I grow older, I never thought that someone sees me as a wonderful person like her. I’m just a typical crazy girl, duh. I’m actually open to bullies (bc I bully most of the people I’m close with) I rarely received compliments which I’m [kinda bit] thankful though, because I don’t know how to treat them, I might just give you a wacky face, call you crazy, or pretend that I didn’t hear anything.

Way back, I was never the sociable one. I suck at making friends, and getting out of my comfort zone feels like it could kill me once I step out of it. That lead me to be a girl who doesn’t have enough confidence (up to now) that I can actually do something. I’m always doubtful with myself when I do something on my own, it’s either it would fail or, it would fail. There’s no space in between. It’s a lose-lose situation. I tried learning to trust (and love) myself, but it’s something that it’s so hard for me to do. I always see the bad side of me, and it’s something I can’t stop. Even a gazillion motivational quotes, or a sea of alcohol can’t remove this bad habit that I have, and I think I just have to live with it.

I always see myself as no one, and it’s heartening receiving those types of messages knowing that someone remembered something about you, and to them you’re somebody, not just anybody — but I have to cut this off, because me and my emotional tendencies are kicking in.

Until such time that I learned (little by little) to divert the negativity. There are rare times that I push myself harder to do something, and little by little I think I can let it out and for once do something good.

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30 DAY WRITING CHALLENGE · Personal · random thoughts · Story of my life

10 Things That Make You Really Happy

Recently, I encountered this what they call 30-day Writing Challenge on Pinterest and Tumblr. And I thought it’s a good idea to update my blog from time to time instead of my usual The Sunday Currently entry. I was thinking I should blog something about me, so that you can get to know me more and hopefully I could do the same towards you. 🙂

I just list all the random things I can think of, I tried to be deep about it; so deep that I can inspire anyone after reading my entry but I just ended up with these 10 random things. Sorry! ; )

Day 1: 10 Things That Make You Really Happy, hence the title. Duh.

1. Food

I love eating. *Who doesn’t? Are you even a human?* I was supposed to include all my favorite foods on the countdown, but I realized 10 won’t suffice, if I would do that this list would end up 10 Foods That Make Me Happy. ;p I can eat anything, From burgers, fries, spicy/buffalo chicken wings, pasta (specifically pesto pasta), Korean noodles, sea foods, potato chips, chocolates, popcorn and all types of street foods, the list will go on and on and on and on. ps: I don’t have a specific favorite because I can eat all of them, all at once! No questions asked.

2. Discovery

Nothing beats the feeling when you discover new things such as a new place to dine, new music, new beach/hotel to stay, thrift store with great deals, or even discovering dimes/bills on your old wallet. It’s a great feeling, isn’t it?

3. Gloomy weather

It’s always the perfect weather to chill and sip some hot coffee! Yummers!

4. Coffee/Milk Tea

I can’t live a day without drinking a cup of coffee, either the usual or fraps. It keeps me alive, like literally. And also milk tea, it beats the heat of the weather, and I love chewing those pearls. Yum yum!

5. Fashion

New clothes, bags, watches (i prefer gold), shoes, or makeup can make me happy. Although, I really don’t wear/buy those most of the time (bc I have sisters who are so generous hahaha) but I love checking them up online or hacks on YouTube. I mean, I still have a girly side you know. 😉

6. Bare naked faces

Simplicity is always (and will always be) be the best, especially to faces. I hate how my face is so dry and dull, and I really have to put some makeup on to put a little color on my face. I envy those girls who don;t even need a foundation or concealer to hide dark spots on their face. It always makes me happy like right after washing my face I can see that glowing skin, and for a minute I can achieve a beautiful bare naked face. Pfft.

7. Random trips

I always enjoy an unexpected getaway, not specifically going to the beach though, but going to some places where I can chill and just enjoy the silence of the world or even random food trips! It’s the beZzZZt!

8. Clouds

I don’t know what’s with the cloud lately, but I love watching those formations and cool colors ❤

9. Thrift shops

Who doesn’t love thrift shop!? They always have the coolest and cheapest clothes! And I love how it tests your patience, and really take the time to look for the perfect outfit….. and nothing beats the triumphant feeling when you get the best of ze bezt! ; ) I also love to drop by to either Peso store or Daiso. They also have great finds there!

10.  Laughter

I love the sound of anyone’s laugh. I mean it always brings positive and good vibes. You know, no matter how cliché it may sound, but laughter is REALLY the best medicine after all.